Ramadan is the month of fasting, the month of the Quran, and the month of charity. Whilst you may be planning to donate your Zakat or Sadaqah during Ramadan, especially in the last ten days, we want to provide for the most needy now so that they will be fed from the very start of this blessed month!
We have witnessed the images of the atrocities across the plains of Sharm that doesn’t seem to be ceasing but only getting worse!
GRT have tirelessly been working in various countries to help those most in need such as:
- Yemen Malnutrition
- Homes for Syrian Refugees
- Yemen Water Projects.
- Sponsoring Orphans.
- Lebanon
- Palestine
— Check our site for all of our projects
What can you do?
Now we turn to you to help those that have had their lives ripped apart with no one to assist. This is your chance to make a difference and give a shred of light to those that are stuck in a dark nightmare.
How many families can you help?
We need you but they need you more!