Fundraising for Global Relief Trust

The GReaT Skydive Challenge

Mohammed Naveed Farreha Fareed is fundraising for The GReaT Skydive Challenge

Target: $3,865.55

Raised: $3,125

81% Complete


We hope you are all in the best of health In sha Allah..

Its that time again where we request your support to help our pledge and enable us to raise funds to help the more unfortunate..

We will be heading to Langar Airfield in Nottingham on the 15th of September to participate in a Skydive from a height of 14,000ft.

Although this will be an experience of adrenaline its something we would probably never have imagined to do.. However, we are  and all for a good cause.

We aim to raise £5000, which will contribute towards a Mosque/Madrasah for the displaced orphans in Saada Village, Khirbut al Jouz, Syria.

It will also contribute towards the amazing projects GRT has developed around the world to support widows, orphans, the elderly and the malnourished. Whereby it will support orphans in many ways. Least to say, provide them with education, Quraan Hifz, food, water, shelter and many more. 

Please donate as much as you can, no amount is too little, every penny will go a long way.. Let your generosity make a difference to humanity on a global level..

This pledge is eligible for Sadaka, Lillah and Zakat.

If you wish to contribute towards the Masjid please do add this in the comments. Also, if you would like to add a name to a brick that will be included in the external construction please also include this in the comments, this could be as sadakah for yourself, a loved one or the deceased.

The Prophet pbuh said, “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah swt, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” This teaching underscores the eternal benefits of contributing to mosque construction—rewards that continue to accumulate even after one's passing.


We hope you are all in the best of health In sha Allah..

Its that time again where we request your support to help our pledge and enable us to raise funds to help the more unfortunate..

We will be heading to Langar Airfield in Nottingham on the 15th of September to participate in a Skydive from a height of 14,000ft.

Although this will be an experience of adrenaline its something we would probably never have imagined to do.. However, we are  and all for a good cause.

We aim to raise £5000, which will contribute towards a Mosque/Madrasah for the displaced orphans in Saada Village, Khirbut al Jouz, Syria.

It will also contribute towards the amazing projects GRT has developed around the world to support widows, orphans, the elderly and the malnourished. Whereby it will support orphans in many ways. Least to say, provide them with education, Quraan Hifz, food, water, shelter and many more. 

Please donate as much as you can, no amount is too little, every penny will go a long way.. Let your generosity make a difference to humanity on a global level..

This pledge is eligible for Sadaka, Lillah and Zakat.

If you wish to contribute towards the Masjid please do add this in the comments. Also, if you would like to add a name to a brick that will be included in the external construction please also include this in the comments, this could be as sadakah for yourself, a loved one or the deceased.

The Prophet pbuh said, “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah swt, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” This teaching underscores the eternal benefits of contributing to mosque construction—rewards that continue to accumulate even after one's passing.








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