Aiding The Ummah
Mez Captures is fundraising for Aiding The Ummah
Target: $3,110.07
Raised: $4,304
138% Complete
1079 Days left
the Tables of Unity event, I made a personal pledge to raise £1,000 - a
commitment that came from the heart as I reflected on the immense hardship and
suffering faced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza. This is the first time
I’ve ever undertaken any kind of fundraising, and it’s a cause deeply important
to me.
Your generosity will mean so much to me and to those in need.
Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah applicable.
the Tables of Unity event, I made a personal pledge to raise £1,000 - a
commitment that came from the heart as I reflected on the immense hardship and
suffering faced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza. This is the first time
I’ve ever undertaken any kind of fundraising, and it’s a cause deeply important
to me.
Your generosity will mean so much to me and to those in need.
Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah applicable.