YEMEN needs YOU, now more than ever! Feed the starving and save a life today!
Bilal Moosa is fundraising for YEMEN needs YOU, now more than ever! Feed the starving and save a life today!
Target: $25,770.34
Raised: $1,078
4% Complete
The Crisis in Yemen has increased leaving Yemeni Starving to Death.
Yemenis are now on the brink of Starving to death.
The World Food Program has stopped helping Yemen because they supported Palestine. And now USA and UK are bombing Yemen, which has left Yemeni in a much worse crisis than before. Yemenis are now on the brink of Starving to death. Yet again we Yemenis will always stand with Palestine even if it cost us our lives.Be 1 of 100,000 special individuals to help us deliver 1 MILLION Iftar meals to starving children in Yemen. With your donation, £35 will provide 20 iftar meals. This campaign is also ZAKAT ElIGIBLE. By donating to this campaign you will be fulfilling your Zakat obligations inshAllah.
Urgent: More than 4,464 children may starve to death this Ramadan
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu my dear brothers and sisters, We are asking for your help this Ramadan! We cannot allow this to continue any longer! Yemen is on the brink of absolute disaster!
Every 10 minutes in Yemen, 1 child dies from preventable causes like hunger.
As internal conflict and violent military actions run rampant across the country, Yemen is facing the worst humanitarian crisis in human history.
The biggest hit has been taken by the young children of Yemen. Children who have unmistakably lost everything. Can you imagine how it feels to be a child, roaming the somber Yemeni streets in search of a lost family, lost friends, and lost hope? Can you imagine how it feels to be a child and see the people closest to you lose the fight against famine and disease?
No baby under the age of 5 should have to go through this.
No matter what we do, we cannot stop the fighting and the reasons that they are starving in the first place.
We can feed them, though. And we don’t have to just drop off bags of rice and lentils which they can’t make use of without fuel and utensils.
They have already been fasting every single day and some of them have not had meat in over a year. The least we can do is share with them a hearty, warm, and nutritious meal.
Why Yemen?
Yemen show the world how to stand against Genocide and how to protect Freedom of the oppressed people of Palestine.
Not only did Yemen hold a special place in the Prophet’s heart, but Yemen has been a hub for so much greatness in the history of Islam. It has produced some of the best scholars and some of the most wonderful people.
There are two whole surahs in the Qur’an that are dedicated to this land, Surah Al Ahqaf and Al Saba. Even the very clothing that our Prophet ﷺ wore was Yemeni.
One of the BEST things you could do in this blessed month.
As you break your fast with a hearty, home-cooked meal, millions of innocent children are going hungry in Yemen.
So many parents cannot provide food for their children as they themselves are going hungry. And so many more children are orphaned, forced to survive on their own.
Fasting was prescribed to mankind by Allah SWT as a way to attain righteousness. Through it, we become more aware of our actions and surroundings.
We really understand what it feels like to be hungry this month.So shouldn’t we stop to think about these children who are involuntarily fasting and are hungry throughout the year?
Can we refuse to help these innocent children while we attempt to grow closer to Allah SWT in this month?
This Ramadan, don’t pass up the opportunity to be rewarded exponentially for your kindness.
Be the Answer to Someone’s Prayers
By donating to Good Deed Charity, we have the opportunity today to put 100% of your donation towards taking care of one child’s food and water for the entire month, so at least they don’t have to worry about how they will break their fast each day.
On top of this, you will be rewarded with:
1. Barakah in your income.
2. Protection for you and your loved ones from harm and calamity
3. Reward and protection for the afterlife
4. Rewards for following the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions.
But that’s not all!
If you donate right now, during the month of Ramadan, the above rewards will be multiplied by over 700x SubhanAllah!
How It Works
1. We receive your donation
2. The entire donation amount gets sent to our Yemeni team on the ground
3. Your donations get put to work
4. We record and show you the impact of your donations.
We Can’t Afford to Delay
Ramadan only comes around once a year, the best time to make the most of this month of increased blessings is right now.
There is no guarantee that we will be fortunate enough to be around to experience another Ramadan! So why not take advantage of the time that Allah has blessed us with today?
Over 1,001,700 Meals Served Last Ramadan
Thanks to your generous support in 2023, we were able to distribute food aid to over 35 different areas -some of which are isolated and inaccessible to the general public.
1,001,700 iftar meals were served in 35 areas including camps.
30,000 Children received Eid Gifts and Clothes
2000 families with food and financial support zakat money.
May Allah reward you for your generosity. The children in Yemen cannot thank you enough.
This year, we hope that with your support, and by the grace of Allah, we are able to serve over 1,000,000 meals.
Over 3,080 generous supporters have already assisted us in saving countless children from the brink of starvation. They are already benefiting from the rewards of doing this noble work.
Will you join them?
For as little as $1 (£0.70) per meal, you can help us reach our goal this Ramadan.
About Good Deed Charity
Good Deed Charity was founded by Dr Mohammed Alazani, father of 6, and a distinguished cardiology surgeon in Germany.
Today, Good Deed Charity is one of only 2 charities in Europe that has a registered office in Yemen. For this reason, we have a dedicated delivery team that knows how to navigate the country in order to facilitate local relief operations in Yemen on behalf of other big charities such as:
We are also registered as a nonprofit organization in the United Kingdom and Germany, exclusively focused on supporting the needy in Yemen.
Having a local office in Yemen allows us to provide our supporters with full transparency through videos and photos highlighting the direct impact of your donations on an on-going basis.
What Yemenis Are Saying About Our Work In Gallery.
The Crisis in Yemen has increased leaving Yemeni Starving to Death.
Yemenis are now on the brink of Starving to death.
The World Food Program has stopped helping Yemen because they supported Palestine. And now USA and UK are bombing Yemen, which has left Yemeni in a much worse crisis than before. Yemenis are now on the brink of Starving to death. Yet again we Yemenis will always stand with Palestine even if it cost us our lives.Be 1 of 100,000 special individuals to help us deliver 1 MILLION Iftar meals to starving children in Yemen. With your donation, £35 will provide 20 iftar meals. This campaign is also ZAKAT ElIGIBLE. By donating to this campaign you will be fulfilling your Zakat obligations inshAllah.
Urgent: More than 4,464 children may starve to death this Ramadan
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu my dear brothers and sisters, We are asking for your help this Ramadan! We cannot allow this to continue any longer! Yemen is on the brink of absolute disaster!
Every 10 minutes in Yemen, 1 child dies from preventable causes like hunger.
As internal conflict and violent military actions run rampant across the country, Yemen is facing the worst humanitarian crisis in human history.
The biggest hit has been taken by the young children of Yemen. Children who have unmistakably lost everything. Can you imagine how it feels to be a child, roaming the somber Yemeni streets in search of a lost family, lost friends, and lost hope? Can you imagine how it feels to be a child and see the people closest to you lose the fight against famine and disease?
No baby under the age of 5 should have to go through this.
No matter what we do, we cannot stop the fighting and the reasons that they are starving in the first place.
We can feed them, though. And we don’t have to just drop off bags of rice and lentils which they can’t make use of without fuel and utensils.
They have already been fasting every single day and some of them have not had meat in over a year. The least we can do is share with them a hearty, warm, and nutritious meal.
Why Yemen?
Yemen show the world how to stand against Genocide and how to protect Freedom of the oppressed people of Palestine.
Not only did Yemen hold a special place in the Prophet’s heart, but Yemen has been a hub for so much greatness in the history of Islam. It has produced some of the best scholars and some of the most wonderful people.
There are two whole surahs in the Qur’an that are dedicated to this land, Surah Al Ahqaf and Al Saba. Even the very clothing that our Prophet ﷺ wore was Yemeni.
One of the BEST things you could do in this blessed month.
As you break your fast with a hearty, home-cooked meal, millions of innocent children are going hungry in Yemen.
So many parents cannot provide food for their children as they themselves are going hungry. And so many more children are orphaned, forced to survive on their own.
Fasting was prescribed to mankind by Allah SWT as a way to attain righteousness. Through it, we become more aware of our actions and surroundings.
We really understand what it feels like to be hungry this month.So shouldn’t we stop to think about these children who are involuntarily fasting and are hungry throughout the year?
Can we refuse to help these innocent children while we attempt to grow closer to Allah SWT in this month?
This Ramadan, don’t pass up the opportunity to be rewarded exponentially for your kindness.
Be the Answer to Someone’s Prayers
By donating to Good Deed Charity, we have the opportunity today to put 100% of your donation towards taking care of one child’s food and water for the entire month, so at least they don’t have to worry about how they will break their fast each day.
On top of this, you will be rewarded with:
1. Barakah in your income.
2. Protection for you and your loved ones from harm and calamity
3. Reward and protection for the afterlife
4. Rewards for following the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ and his companions.
But that’s not all!
If you donate right now, during the month of Ramadan, the above rewards will be multiplied by over 700x SubhanAllah!
How It Works
1. We receive your donation
2. The entire donation amount gets sent to our Yemeni team on the ground
3. Your donations get put to work
4. We record and show you the impact of your donations.
We Can’t Afford to Delay
Ramadan only comes around once a year, the best time to make the most of this month of increased blessings is right now.
There is no guarantee that we will be fortunate enough to be around to experience another Ramadan! So why not take advantage of the time that Allah has blessed us with today?
Over 1,001,700 Meals Served Last Ramadan
Thanks to your generous support in 2023, we were able to distribute food aid to over 35 different areas -some of which are isolated and inaccessible to the general public.
1,001,700 iftar meals were served in 35 areas including camps.
30,000 Children received Eid Gifts and Clothes
2000 families with food and financial support zakat money.
May Allah reward you for your generosity. The children in Yemen cannot thank you enough.
This year, we hope that with your support, and by the grace of Allah, we are able to serve over 1,000,000 meals.
Over 3,080 generous supporters have already assisted us in saving countless children from the brink of starvation. They are already benefiting from the rewards of doing this noble work.
Will you join them?
For as little as $1 (£0.70) per meal, you can help us reach our goal this Ramadan.
About Good Deed Charity
Good Deed Charity was founded by Dr Mohammed Alazani, father of 6, and a distinguished cardiology surgeon in Germany.
Today, Good Deed Charity is one of only 2 charities in Europe that has a registered office in Yemen. For this reason, we have a dedicated delivery team that knows how to navigate the country in order to facilitate local relief operations in Yemen on behalf of other big charities such as:
We are also registered as a nonprofit organization in the United Kingdom and Germany, exclusively focused on supporting the needy in Yemen.
Having a local office in Yemen allows us to provide our supporters with full transparency through videos and photos highlighting the direct impact of your donations on an on-going basis.