Fundraising for New Beginnings

Support New Muslims

converts new muslims reverts shahadah dawah

Target: £50,000

Raised: £0

0% Complete

New Beginnings is a non-profit organisation and registered UK charity that provides education, wellbeing, and social support to converts to Islam and those who are not Muslim.

Help us to provide quality bespoke services and support to converts, those new to Islam, those interested in Islam, and their families globally.

There are many good charitable causes, but this initiative is changing lives.

Be the means for:

  • Someone in a remote area on the other side of the world to feel part of a loving and understanding community
  • Non-Muslim family members to see their son/daughter taking a balanced approach with faith
  • A person to feel confident and ready to embrace Islam after their interactions with New Beginnings
  • Converts to get free education and well-being support
  • Converts to have the best unforgettable Eid they truly deserve 

We also provide support to people considering Islam and we have people using our services from all over the world, in fact, 35% of people who use our services are not yet Muslim!

We Offer FREE, Accessible Educational Support And So Much More!

  • All-year-round free & accessible educational support including a free live 20-week introductory course with qualified teachers, totalling 70 hours of tuition time.
  • Online & in-person socials; Eid parties, day-trips and holidays abroad (umrah and Muslim countries), culturally relevant activities e.g., film night and poetry night.
  • ​A qualified wellbeing team of counsellors and therapists.
  • Shahadah gift packs and certificates.

We've Supported So Many But We Have More We Want To Achieve:

  • Free counselling and wellbeing services.
  • Funeral, burial, and bereavement services for converts in the UK.
  • Marriage Guardianship services.
  • Bespoke book publications.
  • The first UK da'wah hub.

We're Ensuring Converts Have A Space To Have A New Beginning, See The Range Of Activities We're Offering Thanks To Kind Donors

Why Should You Support Us?

New Beginnings has many more exciting plans and ideas for the near future but this won't be possible to sustain without your support. New Beginnings has been operating using volunteers and donations since its inception. In order for us to continue to deliver our high-quality free services, we aim to raise a figure of at least £100,000 every year.

Please consider donating to help us improve, expand, and continue our services. Thank you.

Find out more about us at

Please donate, share, and most importantly pray for us.

New Beginnings is a non-profit organisation and registered UK charity that provides education, wellbeing, and social support to converts to Islam and those who are not Muslim.

Help us to provide quality bespoke services and support to converts, those new to Islam, those interested in Islam, and their families globally.

There are many good charitable causes, but this initiative is changing lives.

Be the means for:

  • Someone in a remote area on the other side of the world to feel part of a loving and understanding community
  • Non-Muslim family members to see their son/daughter taking a balanced approach with faith
  • A person to feel confident and ready to embrace Islam after their interactions with New Beginnings
  • Converts to get free education and well-being support
  • Converts to have the best unforgettable Eid they truly deserve 

We also provide support to people considering Islam and we have people using our services from all over the world, in fact, 35% of people who use our services are not yet Muslim!

We Offer FREE, Accessible Educational Support And So Much More!

  • All-year-round free & accessible educational support including a free live 20-week introductory course with qualified teachers, totalling 70 hours of tuition time.
  • Online & in-person socials; Eid parties, day-trips and holidays abroad (umrah and Muslim countries), culturally relevant activities e.g., film night and poetry night.
  • ​A qualified wellbeing team of counsellors and therapists.
  • Shahadah gift packs and certificates.

We've Supported So Many But We Have More We Want To Achieve:

  • Free counselling and wellbeing services.
  • Funeral, burial, and bereavement services for converts in the UK.
  • Marriage Guardianship services.
  • Bespoke book publications.
  • The first UK da'wah hub.

We're Ensuring Converts Have A Space To Have A New Beginning, See The Range Of Activities We're Offering Thanks To Kind Donors

Why Should You Support Us?

New Beginnings has many more exciting plans and ideas for the near future but this won't be possible to sustain without your support. New Beginnings has been operating using volunteers and donations since its inception. In order for us to continue to deliver our high-quality free services, we aim to raise a figure of at least £100,000 every year.

Please consider donating to help us improve, expand, and continue our services. Thank you.

Find out more about us at

Please donate, share, and most importantly pray for us.








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