Gift a Flock of Chickens to Provide Eggs for Orphans
Target: £10,000
Raised: £0
0% Complete
Kijana Kwanza (Young People First) supports orphaned children and young people in Moshi, Tanzania with shelter, education and life skills training. We currently sponsor and feed over 150 children and young people costing us £38,000/$50,000 per year.
This includes children like Patrick, a child slave, who was rescued by our Social Worker, Halima, a former street child, whose parents died suddenly from HIV, Karimu, who was raped by his neighbour and ran away from home, and Agatha who became a child bride at just 12 years old.
Most of the children we rescue are severely malnourished. On arrival they undergo medical tests and ALL of them have a Body Mass Index (BMI) below the normal range.
Whilst we serve traditional Tanzanian foods, we ensure that our children receive healthy and nutritious meals, including dairy, meat and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, with occasional supplements. In this way, we build up their strength, and ensure that they can focus on their education, which will provide them with the means to secure employment in the future.
At Kijana Kwanza, we emphasise sustainability as a means of reducing our costs in the long-term, freeing up more resources to help disadvantaged children and young people. To achieve this, we recently launched our own 7-acre farm, where we grow maize and vegetables.